I'm a wildlife and documentary cinematographer, who has adored the natural world and everything about it since I was a boy.
I am just as comfortable with a RED & CN20, as I am flying an Inspire 2, setting a motion controlled time-lapse going or using a gimbal to do POV's or a parallax.
I'm have filmed high speed hunting behaviour both from the land and air. However, I also pride myself on my composition and ability to use light to get stunning images that really make the audience feel absorbed by the film.
I'm also physically very fit and have carried heavy kit over vast distances in extremely challenging terrain, not only can I do it, I relish it.
People fascinate me too, I've shot many documentary style films on people, including scientists working at the ends of the earth doing incredible research.

I'm accustom to using Long Lens to cover behaviour both from a vehicle in difficult terrain, run and gunning with kit on my back, or in a hide.
I pride myself on my composition and ability to follow fast paced action in high pressure scenarios.
I have used the CN20 on RED, ARRI & SONY cameras, as well as an array of smaller lenses such as specialised kit for night filming on A7sIII.
An example would be filming Hyena's chasing down Wildebeest at night in a lightning storm, with a modified A7sIII, that was very, very fun.
I am a CAA certified and experienced Drone pilot. I have flown the DJI Mavic, Phantom & Inspire around the world in extremely challenging scenarios.
I have used Drone's in difficult terrain and weather, in extreme heat & cold and over the sea following marine mammals. I've used them to track & locate wildlife too.
I am just as comfortable filming high speed predatory behaviour as I am shooting stunning scenics and landscapes.
I enjoy shooting top down, parallaxing landmarks and using drones for big reveals. Every time I'm flying I try to think of new and different ways to use aerials to cover a landscape or behaviour.

I own and operate a Ronin RS2 Gimbal, which I have used countless times on shoots.
I have used the RS2 for both tracking wildlife and revealing scenic landscapes, as well as doing animal POV shots, from Lion cubs to Giraffe.
I have also used the DJI Ronin for paralaxing shots of wildlife and steady low wides.
I thoroughly enjoy shooting time-lapses, star-lapses and time studies too.
I'll never forget standing under the Milky Way in the deep south, waiting 4 hours for my star -lapse to finish and not feeling cold at all, despite the freezing temperatures, because I was completely mesmerised by the sky, as well as the fascinating sounds of wildlife all around me too.
Plimsoll Productions - NDA Production (Long Lens / Drone / Gimbal)
Plimsoll Productions - NDA Production (Long Lens)
Humble Bee Films - Airborne (Long Lens & Macro)
Humble Bee Films - Secret World of Sound (Studio Macro)
Brian Leith Productions - NDA Production (Long Lens & Macro)
BBC Springwatch 2023 - 3 VT's (Beefly / Blossom / Bluebells)
Wall to Wall - Islands - Sky Nature
Plimsoll Productions - Mama's Season 2 - Roku
Plimsoll Productions - Big Beasts - AppleTV (2 Months Tanzania)
Plimsoll Productions - A Year on Planet Earth - ITV
Humble Bee Films - Attenborough's Life in Colour - Netflix / BBC
BBC - CBeebies (2 Episodes)
BBC Springwatch - Newts VT
BBC Countryfile - Ichneumon Wasps - VT
BBC Morning LIVE (2 Episodes)
Plimsoll Productions - A Year on Planet Earth - ITV
Mason Bee Hotel - VT - Countryfile
Adonis Blue - VT - The One Show
Ladybirds - VT - The One Show
Mayflies - VT - The One Show
BBC NHU: A WILD YEAR (2 Episodes)
Channel 4 - ITN: Dawn Chorus VT
Plimsoll Productions - Mamas - ROKU (2 Months Kenya)
Winter Gnats - VT - The One Show - 2019
Sunflowers - VT - The One Show - 2019
Toadlets - VT - The One Show - 2019
Sabre Wasps - VT -The One Show - 2019
Cashmere Goats - VT -The One Show - 2019
Shore Crabs - VT -The One Show - 2019
Red Deer Rut - VT -The One Show - 2019
Winter Light - VT - Winterwatch - 2019
Steve Backshall's Home Patch - VT - Springwatch - 2018
Crab Spiders - VT - Springwatch - 2018
Bluebells - VT - The One Show - 2018
Poppy Fields - VT - The One Show - 2018
Flying Ants - VT - The One Show - 2018
Great Yellow Bumblebee -The One Show - VT - 2018
Northern Brown Argus - VT -The One Show - 2018
Ospreys & Red Kites - VT -The One Show - 2018
Mayflies - Wild Britain - Plimsoll Productions - 2018
Starlings - Hugh's Wild West - KEO Films - 2018
Green Hairstreak Caterpillars - VT -The One Show - 2017
Fungi - VT - The One Show - 2017
Wood Ants - VT - The One Show - 2017
Long Horned Bee's - VT -The One Show - 2017